22. August

Alpineum Kaffeehaus°Bar, Denkmalstrasse 11, 6006 Luzern

The Runners Club and On welcomes you!

Too cold. Too early. Too ...
They say an excuse shared is an excuse halved. And with the all-new Cloudsurfer Next, it's no excuse at all. That's why we're inviting you to our fun-packed excuse-inspired group run. To prove that with our all-new shoe – and the right crew to run with – there are No Bad Runs. Only bad excuses. Here's the plan:


August 22

If you want to store your jackets or bags during the run, you can leave them in the Alpineum Kaffeehaus°Bar

Grab a pair of On Testshoes
Community Run lead by THE RUNNERS CLUB LUCERNE
After Run Food & first Drink offered by ON at our friends in the Alpineum Kaffeehaus°Bar

Where to Meet

Alpineum Kaffeehaus°Bar

Denkmalstrasse 11, Luzern
6006 Luzern